Sofie Gmerek
Welcome to my personal website, I am currently a computer science student at UCSD and will be graduating in Spring 2023
I enjoy programming, gardening, embroidery, and volunteering with the non profit the Doris Dillon School in Cambodia.
I’ve made other websites in html and css before and hosted them on github pages, one of my favorites is Pet The Cow Here you can see my resume or me.
Here you can access my resume:
Some of the classes I’ve taken at UCSD are:
- CSE 100
- CSE 140/L
- LIGN 167 (Deep Learning)
I think some important actions that help with succeeding in classes at UCSD are:
- Ask for help when you need it, from TAs, professors, and tutors
- Try not to get behind, the quarter system is very fast so missing a class or a few can set you behind and make it difficult to succeed
- Be sure to take care of yourself, making sure your health is good and taking time to relax for yourself so you don’t burn out.
Some of my goals for this quarter are
- Learn a lot in my classes
- Meet new people
- Try to have less stress
- Get started early
Teaching Content (EDS 124BR):
Here is some of my teaching computer science content that I made in my EDS 124BR class.
Backup links
1. Explaining a snap program to draw a house
2. Explaining a snap program with repeats/loops
3. Explaining a scratch program with repeats/animal parade
4. Explaining a snap program with nested repeats
5. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of events
6. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of variables
7. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of conditional repeats
8. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of if statements
9. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of nested if else statements
10. Explaining a snap program to show the concept of compound conditionals